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Employment Law Seminar April 4, 2012

Please attend my employment law presentation on April 4!

Career Resource Center of Lake County (CRC)

"Legal Issues in Employment Law" – Discrimination/Harassment/Retaliation; Worker Classification; Social Media at Work

Presented by Lori A. Goldstein, Employment Attorney and CRC Board Member

Wednesday, April 4, 2012 10:15 a.m.

CRC, 40 E. Old Mill Road, Suite 105, Lake Forest, IL 60045

Call (847) 295-5626 for more information or to RSVP. Would love to see you!

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Hot Employment Issues for 2012

Last year brought key employment law news, issues, and decisions affecting employers and employees. Worker classification (overtime exempt vs. nonexempt, and independent contractor vs. employee) and stricter enforcement on unemployment compensation and payroll taxes was the norm, as governmental agencies sought to maintain public coffers.

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Latest Headlines are Wake-up Call to Employers and Managers

The latest headlines alleging sexual harassment by presidential contender Herman Cain, and child sex abuse, reporting and cover-up issues at Penn State, clearly send a sad message about society. But, besides the moral and ethical concerns, this is a wake-up call for employers and managers to know and enforce their legal obligations about serious workplace misconduct, sexual harassment, reporting, and retaliation. Employers and individual managers face civil and criminal consequences if they fail to appropriately handle these situations.

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